Monday, December 17, 2018

US History - Flag Research (EDIT - FIXED CAPTIONS OF PHOTOS)

Image result for betsy ross flag
Wikipedia: Betsy Ross flag

1. ORIGIN: When and where does the US flag originate?

     In May of 1776, Betsy Ross (who lived in Philadelphia and was acquainted with George Washington) reported that she has completed the first version of the American flag but on June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress officially passed the act and established the flag as the symbol of the newly created nation.

2. EVOLUTION: When and why has it evolved?

     The Betsy Ross version of the American flag had the thirteen red and white stripes and this is continued in the present day American flag, but what has mainly changed over the years is the amount of stars added for the different states. A flag timeline of the American flags shows that from 1776 to present day the design has relatively remained consistent with the addition of stars but the layout of the stars has to change. Every so often there is a very unique design of flag and after a while it is returned the well known stars and stripes.

3. DESIGN ELEMENTS / CHOICES: What factors have shaped the look of the flag, including the shapes, colors, and arrangements of stars, stripes, red, white, blue, etc.? Is there a history and purpose to these graphic design choices?

     The wars and experiences of this nation have shaped the look of the flag. On a general scale, the stars represent the heavens and mankind's aspirations and goals and the stripes represent the rays from the sun. More specifically, the thirteen stripes are in remembrance of the original thirteen colonies and the stars show our states at the time, at this time there are fifty stars for the fifty states. And the colors: white means purity and innocence, red means valor and bravery (and I've heard is can symbolize the blood lost so this country could come about), and blue means vigilance, perseverance, and justice. All these symbols would mean nothing and not have the significance they do now if the experiences of the United States did not happen, such as the Revolutionary War. Because the these experiences the symbols of the flag become more personal to the citizens the United States and gives us a sense of pride and nationalism.

Image result for american flag parts meaning
punditcafe: Fun with Flags: What Do Flags Stand For - Significance & Meaning

     a. For what is the flag a symbol? Does consensus about the meaning of the flag appear to be fairly widespread? How can you tell? Does it seem to be widely understood as a positive symbols of national unity?

    The United States of America is the greatest free country in the world so the flag is a symbol of that freedom and liberty and human right like how now everyone can be treated equally. The American flag is a symbol that Americans can rally behind anywhere in the world, on familiar territory or foreign territory. But there is not a 100% consensus about the meaning of the flag and it as a positive symbol. The American flag is a sacred symbol so should citizens be able to defile the flag without begin punished? The people who do this are trying to protest against government policy or just show their pure hatred for America, but America is the land of the free and people who desecrate the flag are exercising their first amendment right whether people agree with them or think they are being disrespectful. But the majority of citizens in the United States are thankful for what they have and respect the flag as a sacred symbol.

Related image
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     b. What are the flag's nicknames? What can you learn about where those nicknames originate in our culture?

     The common nicknames for the American flag are "The Stars and Stripes", "The Star-Spangled Banner", "The Red, White, and Blue", and "Old Glory". All these nicknames are self-explanatory with the literal stars and stripes and colors on the flag except for "Old Glory". The original Old Glory flag was one specific flag that was owned by Captain William Diver, but it is now on display at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. The name "Old Glory" was only that one one flag owned by Captain Diver but now that name is widespread and every American flag is called "Old Glory".

     c. What can you learn about the flag in popular music?

     Through popular music about the the flag we can learn the amount of pride and heart that is carried in the citizens of the nation. Most songs about the United States and its history tell how American is the best country and can overcome anything. The songs are a way we can express our support of the country and show our patriotism. We can learn that the flag is used as the sacred symbol for the United States itself and is extremely and highly looked upon.

5. HABITS/USE: What evidence suggests that the flag is generally understood, within our culture, as something that is worthy of respect and more careful treatment then you might otherwise provide to a piece of fabric?

     The citizens of the United States can follow many common misconceptions and misunderstand the code of the flag. The most common being the when the flag touches the ground then it must be destroyed or burned, but this is not true and the flag can be washed. Another misconception the that the flag cannot actually be washed but indeed it can if it is dirty. These things do not disrespect the flag and what it symbolizes, the purpose of using and maintaining the American flag should be to respect what it stands for and doing these things does not take away from that.

6. CONTROVERSY: Can you find any evidence to suggest that the flag itself is controversial? Or do there just seem to be ways of using it that are controversial?

     It just seems to be the ways of using the flag is controversial. The American flag as a symbol and what it represents is clear and not controversial. What is controversial is whether a person decides to support what the flag and the United States stands for. The ways some people choose to show their patriotism and flag can be controversial to others like a story of this woman who hung


Omni Financial, Omni Military Loans Blog: American Flag Facts

CNN, Why free speech is baffling to many

Liberty Flags, The American Wave, 7 Common Misconceptions About the American Flag

AJC, American flag controversy: 'I'm disappointed in my country'

Punditcafe, Fun with Flags: What Do Flags Stand For - Significance & Meaning 

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