Monday, May 20, 2019

Semester II Final


1. Before doing any research, I predict the three most highly ranked presidents in US History will be Franklin D. Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, and John F. Kennedy and the worst might be Donald Trump.

2. The consistent top for presidents are Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Theodore Roosevelt. The president that have gone back and forth between the 4th and 5th spots are Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

3. Barack Obama, being a recent president, is still at 12th place even when there are not those who knew his presidency in 2009 and 2000 because that is not when he served. However, the older presidents such as Lincoln, Washington, and Roosevelt have had more time for people to learn of their legacy and have become more popular, but those who have personally experienced these presidents in office are lessening or deceased. But the legacy of these presidents is continuing to be praised in high schools and colleges which helps them to secure there spot in the top even though those learning do not personally know these presidents. Presidents such as Clinton and Nixon are higher on this list then I would have guest, especially Clinton. Nixon is 28th of this list and honestly suits him because it seems many Americans hate him for his scandal but it could be worse than 28th. But, Clinton is 15th which is shocking because America seems to be very harsh and unforgiving and certain times but in spite of Clinton's mistakes he is still 15th. And the 10 worst on the list I have not even heard of or do not know very much about, possibly some of them were great presidents but the fact that much the population do not know much about them shows in the popularity chart.

4. A majority of the participants are professors from several different colleges with others like journalists and historians as participants also. I think C-SPAN has included this information because it shows that the participants know what they are talking about. This is not a public poll where ignorant people who believe they know much about this topic can vote, it is professionals who have learned and studied this much more than the general public. If C-SPAN had not included this information I would be left asking who participated in this poll and what are their credentials? Since the participants are professionals and experienced it gives me confidence that the list of presidents is accurate.

5. I clicked on the most popular president's name, Abraham Lincoln and it brought me to a more in depth ranking of his presidency. The 10 categories are listed below for president Abraham Lincoln.

Categories2017 Final ScoresOverall Rankings
Public Persuasion92.4323
Crisis Leadership97.8111
Economic Management80.9223
Moral Authority96.2212
International Relations86.4334
Administrative Skills85.6121
Relations with Congress79.5434
Vision / Setting an Agenda97.6111
Pursued Equal Justice For All93.1111
Performance Within Context of Times97.1211

6. All the categories are weighed the same. The categories where Lincoln received high 90's lead him to be in first place while the lower categories such as Relations with Congress, which he received a 79.5, lead him to fluctuate in ranking.

7. If I decided to make three topics more weighted I would choose Crisis Leadership, Pursued Equal Justice for All, and Moral Authority. I believe part of the reason some the presidents are as high as they are in the list is because they can be remembered as great men that want what is best for the country. One of the biggest presidents that comes to mind is again Abraham Lincoln. He was a great man that put his life and reputation on the line to united the country. A high moral authority is severely important, also uniting the country. The United States is one giant community and we need to learn to work together and not let anything get in the way, a president that focuses on equal justice for all is very important because it lifts up parts the the united community that are being pushed behind and lifts the community as a whole. And lastly, I believe crisis leadership is extremely important because is a small family setting when something goes wrong the family is reliant on the parents to fix the issue. The president in a way is the parent to the United States and when something goes wrong the nation looks to the president to fix it. The president can then try and united the nation to overcome the obstacle and keep on moving.

8. I think my list is somewhat accurate, I focused on more modern presidents. I had thought of Abraham Lincoln but I thought of the fact that not many people will know him personally and have lived during that time period. But, now that I know that professionals participated in the poll I can see how a president like Abraham Lincoln would have been chosen for 1st place. My worst prediction was Donald Trump but he did not appear in the survey because the poll took place several years ago. I said Trump because the nation seems to be split on hatred and acceptance for him. There is no lack of people hating and demeaning and making fun of Trump, I would have thought he would be low on the list because of the amount of people that do not like him. But, since professionals are creating the survey I believe Trump will not be that low because of the more advanced knowledge they have,


9. "On March 16 we celebrate the anniversary of James Madison's birthday. Madison, traditionally viewed as the Father of the United States Constitution, is also seen by many as a defender of open government. He once wrote, "[a] popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps, both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."1
 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. In a similar vein, he asserted that "the advancement and diffusion of knowledge" is "the only Guardian of true liberty."

     Open government is an essential part for what the United States stand for. James Madison secured that open government would continue within the Constitution that he fathered. In remembrance for one of the chief creators of the Constitution we reflect on Madison's legacy on his birthday of March 16th. James Madison pushed the notion that knowledge is one of the most important things that a person can hold. Disaster awaits a government that without knowledgeable people or a way to educate them. Ignorance is dependent upon knowledge. Knowledge is the key for people to become their own Governors and hold the power. Madison would say that "the only Guardian of true liberty" requires the "advancement and diffusion of knowledge."  

10. " . . . [K]nowledge of our own history is essential in the making of Americans. The reasons for this belief may be summed up under four main heads. History makes loyal citizens because memories of common experiences and common aspirations are essential ingredients in patriotism. History makes intelligent voters because sound decisions about present problems must be based on knowledge of the past. History makes good neighbors because it teaches tolerance of individual differences and appreciation of varied abilities and interests. History makes stable, well-rounded individuals because it gives them a start toward understanding the pattern of society and toward enjoying the artistic and intellectual productions of the past. It gives long views, a perspective, a measure of what is permanent in a nation’s life. "

     The article by the AHA is more specific by the why it explains how knowledge and history is important. James Madison has only a few of his words included about why knowledge is important. AHA says that knowledge and history makes citizens more loyal and patriotic, more intelligent voters, good neighbors, and good individuals. Madison states that liberty is reliant upon knowledge.
     I strongly agree with the ideas put forth by both articles, especially the AHA. The more I learn about history I gain more of an attachment to the United States. I have never experienced war personally and not much in my life time but the fact that I have learned about those who have given their lives to this country give me pride and patriotism in this country. I could not have obtained this if I did not learn about the events in history. History can allow people to empathize with others and become good neighbors and individuals. Gaining more knowledge of the events in history will only prove to be a positive decision. 


11. One of the biggest things I feel has improved in my research skills is my use of ".com" versus ".org" or ".gov". It is not perfect of course but I try to look for sources that that contain the ".org" because they are more accurate and scholarly sources. Instead of writing down notes word for word, I try to now write the basic points and not in full sentences. This can also help with plagiarism because I only have the information and not the exact sentences of the sources.

12. I feel I could have done better on this project, I feel like I procrastinated and there was many little parts to this project. But I am happy with my creativity during this project like in the menu with item such as crystal Pepsi and sushi. I am also happy with my invitation, which I put a lot of work into, because again I was creative and made sure to have the picture of the Glienicker Bridge and I also included a Russian translation because some of the guests coming would be fluent in Russian. I felt my guest list was strong because all of the people included were important characters and interlaced somehow. I'm proud of some of my notes like the ones I took while watching my movie, Bridge of Spies. I made sure to write down all the important names and places I heard and saw and it helped me with my later research be more specific. I am also proud of most of my exhibit piece such as the hollow spy coin and U-2 spy place because those are important components within the movie and it was interesting to learn more about them.

13. JC's White House Lock-in Menu was excellent for me. First off, JC included nine item for his menu which was four more than mine and the highest I heard of. Also, all of his items fit the event and setting very well and nothing seems forced. The post has a lot to offer and is very elegant.

14. “You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.”

- Michelle Obama

This quote is very inspiring to me because everyone feels like they play no large role is the world. The world is so big that why would it care what one person could do or change? Michelle Obama helps you to feel like you are a big part in the world and that you play a large role in history. You can make your own future and change as much as you want and if you have the courage to do something your inspiration can spread to others.

Atomic Heritage Foundation, Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 1945

The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are important events within American history because America showed its power it a way that secured world peace instead of continuing warfare., NASA History, First Launch
The first launch for NASA marks the moment that the world can advance in a way that one has thought of., National Women's History Museum, Rosie the Riveter
This poster shows the power that women can have within society, everyone need to work together and not focus on gender or color.

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