Monday, May 6, 2019

5. In-Class Write

1. Important knowledge a person can learn from watching Bridge of Spies is that the United States can be harsh and merciful. When the Russian spy, Rudolf Abel, was captured in the United States what seemed to be the entire country wanted him dead. They knew he was spying on American affairs and was searching to help Russia find a leg up over the United States. Society saw this as unforgivable and wanted him dead so he would no longer be a threat to the safety of Americans. Also, after the American spy, Francis Gary Powers was exchanged for Abel Americans were skeptical and annoyed with Powers because he was captured and could not destroy his evidence or himself and so put the United States in danger. The film shows this near the ending when Powers is being flown back to the United States after the exchange. The other men in the plane either give him dirty looks or ignore him in general and do not answer his questions. This can show how harsh the United States can be by simply wanting a man dead and even partially disgracing an American that returns home.
     However, the United States can have mercy. At this time the Cold War is going on so the United States has to more greatly resort to harshness but there can be mercy. Simply the fact that James B. Donovan took the Abel case and seriously tried to defend him shows how merciful Americans can be. And while Powers was being violently interrogated in the movie, Abel was comfortably living in the United States. Yes, Abel was a prisoner but the United States is more merciful and feed and protected him. And after the spy exchange occurred and Donovan returned home, Americans were proud that he did what he did. Especially that thus time, The United States needed to be harsh but Americans stayed to the American way and tried new things instead of executing or torturing Abel they showed mercy toward him which ended with an outcome that everyone was happy with.

2. People will not learn of the depth of organizations such as the CIA and the tense state the United States was in during the Cold War by just watching the film. The event of the spy exchange between Powers and Abel is honestly microscopic compared to the entirety of the Cold War and the United States. In the film, accomplishing the spy exchange was the only large event focused on and the film had tunnel vision in this regard. If the exchange had not happened not much would have changed. Both nations are focused on personal success and understand the motive behind something like torture to gain information. The nations would have moved on if the exchange had not taken place and focused on more important things.
     The depth of the CIA and the importance of their job is not really touched on in the film. It jumps right into when Powers was recruited for the job of flying the U-2 plane. You do not see how he got there and really where he went. It again jumps to when Powers and others are learning about the U-2 plane and spy equipment. And with James Donovan, he has CIA members with him constantly during his work on the Abel case. They are only there to make sure things go smoothly and they get their man, Powers, back. If the CIA and spies are extremely important within the United States and could possibly find something that turns the tables then I would like to see more of this. I know the movie is focusing on James B. Donovan and his role in the spy exchange but it would be interesting to see more of the importance in spies. Why would it be extremely important to get a spy back that a nation lost besides to keep information safe? And what is that secret information? Bridge of Spies narrowly focuses on James Donovan and you would not learn much detail about other events or organizations.

3. I would add more CIA scenes. Possibly focus on Powers more and how he was inducted into the CIA and how it took a toll on him. What would happen to him and his family? The film makes it seem easy for the men and Powers to sign into the CIA but in a way they are signing their lives away. Was it that easy to become part of the CIA? Things like spies greatly interest me and mostly likely other people too. I would like to understand why spies are as important as they seem. Why is it so important that this spy exchange between Power and Abel take place? There could be scenes of personal struggle in Powers and how he may have regrets joining the CIA. And scenes that go more into depth of what the CIA does and why it is so important. I learned that Powers has a family and a wife back home but they were not in the film at all. The film could include how hard it was to be away from them and how the CIA made this better or worse. James Donovan and his family are introduced and the film show how hard it was for the family when James took the Abel case. Even his wife wanted him to drop the case because it made the entire nation look down on the Donovan family and even shoot at their house.

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